You Can Obtain Professional Help To Get Rid Of Anxiety And Depression Symptoms

You may feel sad, scared and anxious for a short period of time because of stressful happenings in your life. That's normal under those circumstances. When you begin to experience anxiety for no apparent reason on a daily basis, which prevents you from carrying out your activities of daily living, it's entirely possible that you are suffering from an anxiety disorder or depression. You may be suffering from both conditions at the same time as well; however, you can obtain professional help to rid you of both anxiety and depression symptoms.

What Is Depression?

There are times when you may feel that everything you try to do on a given day is going wrong. Many people have reached that conclusion for a short period of time. When you continue to feel that way for an excessively long time, which prevents you from functioning normally in order to complete your activities of daily living. Those telling signs point to a major case of depression for which you need professional therapy treatment.

Interpersonal Therapy Treatment Of Depression

Interpersonal therapy (IPT) is described as short-term supportive psychotherapy. It is used to treat adults, younger people and older adults as well, according to a website article. Your therapist will question you about your depression and about how you interact interpersonally with others.  Acceptance and commitment therapy is emphasized for this model of treatment as your therapist helps you to banish unwanted feelings and sensations that feed negative behavior. You'll learn to make a commitment for behavior change in order to accomplish needed change.

Anxiety Disorder

You are suffering from anxiety disorder when you become excessively worrisome about common everyday happenings that should not make you jittery. You seem to expect the worse when there are no reasons to assume your beliefs of disastrous possibilities. Your symptoms may make it impossible for you to get out of bed each day because of your unrealistic views of possible doomsday occurrences.

Treatment of Anxiety Disorders

Treatment must be tailored especially for your anxiety disorder by a qualified therapist. If you are diagnosed with depression as a co-existing condition as well, the coexisting condition could complicate your anxiety disorder treatments. However, your therapist will use a combined group of treatments to help you, which includes cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Your therapist will use cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to change your thinking and behavior patterns, and you'll engage in identifying and understanding your behavior patterns in order for you to change the negative ways that contribute to your anxious behavior. The website article suggests that you can see change in your anxiety behavior within 12 to16 weeks based on this model of treatment. You become actively involved in controlling your anxiety and learn skills that help you to become anxiety-free.
