Starting The Battle Against Anxiety And Depression

Anxiety and depression can trap you in a devastating loop of self-doubt, loathing and pain. If you've been suffering, but have yet to come up with any answers as to why your hands tremble at the thought of going out in public or you have to fight your way out of bed each day, it's time to reach out for help finding the reason why so that you can reclaim life as it should be. Here, you'll find some information that will help you start your way on a path of good health — both mentally and physically.

Schedule a Psychological Evaluation 

You may have discussed your issues with your PCP, but haven't gotten far with finding a successful treatment. This is because a PCP isn't trained to diagnose psychological disorders as thoroughly as a psychotherapist is. Sure, the PCP can write you a script to help with anxiety and maybe prescribe an antidepressant, but when there's so much going on in the human mind, finding balance may require much more than a standard script.

A psychological evaluation will allow the doctor to diagnose exactly what is going on so that the correct treatment plan can be put in place. This may include new medications as well as talk-therapy to work through any underlying issues that are contributing to your struggles.

Get Out Slowly

If you've been spending much of your time in your bed or in your home, it's time to start working your way out of the house slowly. First, start by getting out of the bed and spending some time in the living areas. Once you can do that without feeling overwhelmed, get out and go for a walk somewhere there isn't a lot of people. The goal here is to work your way up to being prepared for entering buildings and going to more public places before your appointments begin. This way, you'll have a better chance of actually making it to the office for the evaluation without canceling it due to an anxiety attack triggered by the idea of going.

Learn Breathing Techniques

Your mind is very good at playing tricks on you. Breathing treatments not only help to introduce more oxygen into your system, but it helps keep your mind busy with something other than what's making you anxious. There are lots of online tutorials that will help you learn how to breathe when you feel the anxiety setting in.

You can get through this. With some help and dedicating yourself to treatment, you can live the life that you were meant to live. Hopefully, the tips above will help you get through the toughest part — the start of mental wellness.
